Monthly Archives: June 2009

A few pictures from France

We interrupt our regular blogging about writing and books etc. etc. to post a few especially delicious pictures from France. Enjoy!

Two fans at the front of Shakespeare and Company:


A Typewriter at Shakespeare and Co. (for Monda)

Flower Market on the Seine


E Dehillerin, Mecca For Foodies, and French Rolling Pins on the Shelf

Photobucket “Photobucket


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Wordamour Returns, Again, and a New Book to Read!

Well, it’s been a heck of a month. First, Wordamour’s husband went to France for 3 weeks to research and work on his novel, leaving her to experience single parenthood for the first time while also juggling a new freelance writing assignment for PBS as well as her usual work responsibilities. Fun, fun. If his purpose was to show just how much he co-parents when he is home, mission accomplished! He was sorely missed in many ways and Wordamour had barely a minute to breathe the whole time.

Then, Wordamour packed up the kids and trekked over to Arles, France for two weeks to join him. No way she was going to let him go to France without joining him at some point; Wordamour loves France just too much for that. Expect some great pictures and travel blogs in subsequent posts–right now I want to introduce a wonderful new book that has come out and exhort you to order it.

Mothers in All But Name is a beautiful anthology edited by Marguerite Bouvard about all the different forms mothering can take. Yes, I have an essay in here, about my other life as a nanny many years ago, but really, the other essays are just lovely, those are the ones I want to point you too. Here’s a review:

“This mesmerizing book is filled with surprising stories about the love between women and children. It reveals how biological mothers are at times replaced / supplemented by other women who bond with their children. Most of all, it is a book about love. Marguerite Bouvard has opened the door to a set of life experiences that were invisible until now. Everyone can benefit from walking through that door with her.”
—Shulamit Reinharz, Ph.D., Jacob Potofsky Professor of Sociology, Brandeis University

Read more about Mothers in All But Name here (don’t you love the 70’s cover picture?) and order it here.

It’s good to be back. By y’all, just for now, I promise,


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