Monthly Archives: October 2009

Three-Legged NaNoWriMo-A New Game!

While I was writing today, the right front leg from the chair I sit at (the white one in all the pictures from the previous post) suddenly just. . .fell off. I didn’t fall to the floor or anything but it did feel kind of odd.

But then I discovered that my own right front leg actually serves as a very good replacement. That is, I still feel pretty comfortable–not about to tip over or anything. Which just goes to show you that certain chair legs are better to lose than others–the back left one, for example. Don’t think that loss would work out so well.

So the next few days will be spent determining if I actually need to replace this chair before I start NaNoWriMo on Sunday. Speaking of which, you can now sponsor me in my novel writing endeavors. I’m aiming to raise $100 towards the organization and its efforts to support young writers.

If I finish, and someone say, sponsored me at say, a penny a word, that would only be 5.00. C’mon, consider it–what’s a fiver or a tenner when it comes to getting young kids writing?

You can sponsor me here.

Bye y’all,

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NaNoWriMo–Getting Ready to Roll

nanowrimo Pictures, Images and Photos
Yep, I’m doing NaNoWriMo this November.  At first I was just going to tell y’all that this blog was probably going to get quiet next month (not like it hasn’t happened before) but I’m going to try and lay in some posts in the draft box before Nov. 1 so I can pop a few up here and there as I go.  


This week has been all about getting ready.  Getting my work space ready, clearing a spot on my cluttered home desk (I may be the only person I know with five full pencil cups–anyone else want to fess up?) for the babyDell and the coffee.   


Honestly, the biggest bribe for this whole thing (besides the prospect of actually getting a draft done) may be that I will allow myself all the coffee I want.  Love the stuff; limit myself to two hearty mugs a day.  Usually.  Not this November.  I suspect it may be the sole thing getting me out of bed at 5:00 am. At first anyway. 


Lining up all the books I’ve been using to research my subject.  From what I understand, I’ll be writing so fast, I might not be able to do much more than glance at them, maybe touch them if I’m lucky.  But it’s good to know they’ll be there, waiting for me to delve into after it’s all over, when I’m revising.

What’s in this black box?  Yes, well, wouldn’t you like to know?  It’s related to the novel, but its contents are secret right now.  Another reassuring presence.  Besides, secrets can be very motivating.


According to NaNoWriMo’s founder, Craig Baty, one should not have a bed visible in one’s writing space–nor a cat (see upper corner) demonstrating its benefits.  Unfortunately, my writing space is also a guest bedroom/daybed I normally purpose for reading and napping.  I should be able to resist it, though.  I know going near it would be a disaster.  If resisting turns out to be a problem, I could always cover it with tacks or something.


And the picture wouldn’t be complete without Garfield, our older cat, quite bereft these days now that we have acquired a kitten. Normally Garfield isn’t interested in attention from anyone but my husband but he’s become very needy lately, even asking me for some lovin’.

I feel lucky, I have had plenty of 2008 winner Monda Fason’s advice to shore me up and let me know what’s what.  Nervous but hopeful. That’s me. 

Bye y’all,

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Tomorrow’s the Big Day

The National Day of Writing when the National Gallery of writing goes LIVE, October 20, 2009.

It’s not too late to add a piece of your own writing and make history!  Give them anything, ANYTHING!

Grocery lists, poems, homilies, essays, stories, blog posts. . .the possibilities are endless!

Check it out here.

Go, go, go. Time’s a wastin’!

Bye y’all,

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The Higher Power of Lucky**, or, Narrative Rules

**With apologies to Susan Patron’s Caldecott-winning novel of the same name.

So Wordamour and her husband had a brief junket to Eureka Springs Friday and Saturday, a charming, fall-perfect town in the Ozarks, at a conference where Wordamour’s husband was giving the debut reading of his Van Gogh novel–Wordamour hasn’t even heard it yet. And just before his turn came, Wordamour’s cell phone rang. Oops, she’d forgotten to turn it off. She glanced at it before she cut the juice and saw two key things 1. it was Wordamour’s mother who was picking her kids up for the weekend and 2. it was precisely during the appointed school dismissal time. Uh oh. She was going to have to take this one. She ran out of the session to discover that, none of her kids were missing or had been swept away by the floodwaters that had risen during the torrential rain of the previous evening. No, the first thing she heard out of ther mother’s mouth was,

“Will found a kitten. It ran out from under a truck. What do you want me to do?”

Wow. Okay. No true emergency here, really, sort of, and Wordamour’s husband was about to start reading.
Well, yes, alright, let’s see. Wordamour is not about to tell her mother to just “throw it back,” at the moment. “Let me call you back as soon as John is finished reading.”

Wordamour’s husband debuted two scenes from the novel to a warm reception. Wordamour was especially taken by the playfully homoerotic scene between Van Gogh and another artist, who had agreed to sit for him as a model (VG found this a good way to get to know people especially other artists). Then she left to take a brief nap–she’d slept little the night before, dozing between episodes of Say Yes to the Dress, a surprisingly entertaining reality show about life at famous New York bridal outfitter–Kleinfeld’s. Either that or Wordamour just finds that the Flushing accents sound like, well, home.

Then a cat commercial came on and Wordamour suddenly remembered her promise and scanned the cell phone. 7 messages; oops. Turns out on top of the kitten acquisition, her mother had accidentally set off the home alarm system.

By the time Wordamour reached her mother, the alarm situation had faded into the background (three squad cars later) and the kitten regained center stage. Nana and her grandsons were in fact, at Petsmart at that very moment laying in kitten supplies.
“Here,” Wordamour’s mother handed the phone to our young kitten savior, “tell Mommy what happened.”

“Well, I was standing there waiting for Nana to pick me up and I saw him under this truck. And then the truck started and he just ran out, and Mom, he ran right to me! So I picked him up. His name is Lucky.”
“Really. You named him?”
“Well, first I thought he was a Max but Mackenzie said I should call him Lucky, because he’s lucky I saved him.”
“Why didn’t Mackenzie want him?”
“Her father doesn’t allow pets.”
“He’s so cute! Can we keep him? Please, can we keep him? We have to keep him. I saved his life. He ran right to me.”

And so it goes.  One tiny part-siamese kitten runs out from under a truck and into  family legend.

It happens like this every day in families all over the world, this hewing to the power of narrative.

And that’s the story of how we got lucky.


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Monda to the rescue

While we were working on the template for John’s blog, my friend and blogger extraordinaire went ahead and designed him a beaut. The font in the masthead is actually Van Gogh’s handwriting! Check it out!

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