BOTD Book of the Day: The Cute Book


Do you like to craft? Are you, like me, modestly equipped to do so? Yes, I have a Necchi sewing machine, circa the 1950’s, that I still need to learn to use (January is looking good), but I can HANDSEW with the best of them (and I’m a mean cross stitcher too). Then you will LOVE The CUTE Book.

Co-authored by the mysterious team of Aranzi-Aronzo, first in Japan and later made available in the American market, this book features a handful of adorable felt character crafts that just about anyone with a needle, thread and some felt could do–and feel proud of. You could gift one of these adorable creatures to a friend, attach it to a tote bag, or even enlarge the pattern to make a larger creature on the style of the Ugly Doll only, of course, cuter. The directions are unbelievably clear and easy. Aranzi-Aronzo have a website, of course, and have authored a number of other books worth checking out, but this was my first and I heartily recommend it for you or any crafter in your life.

Go for it!
Bye, y’all.

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One response to “BOTD Book of the Day: The Cute Book

  1. Cindi

    Thanks for the book tip. I don’t even own a sewing machine and can’t sew a button on. The Ugly Dolls are cute! Cindi

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